Spring Expression Language (SpEL) Operators

  • Relational operators
  • Logical operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Mathematical operators
  • Assignment

Relational operators

The relational operators; equal, not equal, less than, less than or equal, greater than, and greater than or equal are supported using standard operator notation.

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "2 == 2")  // true

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "date('1974-08-24') != DateTime.Today") // true

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "2 < -5.0") // false

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "DateTime.Today <= date('1974-08-24')") // false

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "'Test' >= 'test'") // true

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "3 in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}")  // true

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "'Abc' like '[A-Z]b*'")  // true

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "'Abc' like '?'")  // false

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "1 between {1, 5}")  // true

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "'efg' between {'abc', 'xyz'}")  // true

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "'xyz' is int")  // false

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is IList")  // true

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "'5.0067' matches '^-?\d+(\.\d{2})?$'"))  // false

ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, @"'5.00' matches '^-?\d+(\.\d{2})?$'")  // true

Logical operators

The logical operators that are supported are and, or, and not. Their use is demonstrated below

// AND
bool falseValue = (bool) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "true and false"); //false

string expression = @"IsMember('Nikola Tesla') and IsMember('Mihajlo Pupin')";
bool trueValue = (bool) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(ieee, expression);  //true

// OR
bool trueValue = (bool) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "true or false");  //true

string expression = @"IsMember('Nikola Tesla') or IsMember('Albert Einstien')";
bool trueValue = (bool) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(ieee, expression); // true

// NOT
bool falseValue = (bool) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "!true");

// AND and NOT
string expression = @"IsMember('Nikola Tesla') and !IsMember('Mihajlo Pupin')";
bool falseValue = (bool) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(ieee, expression);

Bitwise operators

The bitwise operators that are supported are and, or, xor and not. Their use is demonstrated below. Note, that the logical and bitwise operators are the same and their interpretation depends if you pass in integral values or boolean values.

// AND
int result = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "1 and 3"); // 1 & 3

// OR
int result = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "1 or 3");  // 1 | 3

// XOR
int result = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "1 xor 3");  // 1 ^ 3

// NOT
int result = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "!1"); // ~1

Mathematical operators

The addition operator can be used on numbers, strings and dates. Subtraction can be used on numbers and dates. Multiplication and division can be used only on numbers. Other mathematical operators supported are modulus (%) and exponential power (^). Standard operator precedence is enforced.

// Addition
int two = (int)ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "1 + 1"); // 2

String testString = (String)
ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "'test' + ' ' + 'string'"); //'test string'

DateTime dt = (DateTime)
ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "date('1974-08-24') + 5"); // 8/29/1974

// Subtraction

int four = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "1 - -3"); //4

Decimal dec = (Decimal)
 ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "1000.00m - 1e4"); // 9000.00

TimeSpan ts = (TimeSpan)
ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "date('2004-08-14')
 - date('1974-08-24')"); //10948.00:00:00

// Multiplication

int six = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "-2 * -3"); // 6

int twentyFour = (int) 
ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "2.0 * 3e0 * 4"); // 24

// Division

int minusTwo = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "6 / -3"); // -2

int one = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "8.0 / 4e0 / 2"); // 1

// Modulus

int three = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "7 % 4"); // 3

int one = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "8.0 % 5e0 % 2"); // 1

// Exponent

int sixteen = (int) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "-2 ^ 4"); // 16

// Operator precedence

int minusFortyFive = (int)
 ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "1+2-3*8^2/2/2"); // -45

Spring EL ternary operator (if-then-else) example

You can use the ternary operator for performing if-then-else conditional logic inside the expression. A minimal example is

String aTrueString = (String) ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, false ? 'trueExp' : 'falseExp'")


package com.javasafari.core;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class Client {
	@Value("#{itemBean.qty > 1000 ? true : false}")
	private boolean discount;
	public boolean isDiscount() {
		return discount;
	public void setDiscount(boolean discount) {
		this.discount = discount;
	public String toString() {
		return "Client [discount=" + discount + "]";

package com.javasafari.core;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class Item {
	private int qty;
	public int getQty() {
		return qty;
	public void setQty(int qty) {
		this.qty = qty;


Client [discount=true]

Spring EL in XML

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
	<bean id="client" class="com.javasafari.core.Customer">
		<property name="discount" 
                          value="#{itemBean.qty < 1000 ? true : false}" />
	<bean id="itemBean" class="com.javasafari.core.Item">
		<property name="qty" value="1900" />


Client [discount=true]