When the chronicle of computer languages is written, the following will be said: B led to C, C evolved into C++, and C++ inspire Java.

To understand Java is to understand the reasons that drove its creation, the forces that shaped it, and the legacy that it inherits. Like the successful computer languages that came before, Java is a blend of the best elements of its rich heritage combined with the innovative concepts required by its unique environment.

Computer language innovation and development occurs for two fundamental reasons:

  • To adapt to changing environments and uses
  • To implement refinements and improvements in the art of programming

And the creation of Java was driven by both elements

Why Java ?

Anyone might ask, Why Java? That's a good question, especially if you is new to the language and have not heard all the buzz about it. How does a programming language that has been around since 1995 and is quite similar in syntax and design to C++ become so widely adopted? Why not just stick to languages that have been used for decades: C, C++, COBOL, Fortran, and so on?

  • Java is simpler to learn than other object oriented languages.
  • When developing Java, its creators took all of the good features of the existing object-oriented programming languages such as C++, Ada, and Smalltalk, and removed most of their flaws and peculiarities.
  • Java is straightforward,rich,powerful, well designed, and an enjoyable language with which to program.
  • Java has pleasant syntax and comprehensible semantics.
  • Java is portable.
  • It has automatic garbage collection.
  • It has a high-quality execution environment, and a vast library.

Features of Java

Object Oriented

Simply stated, object-oriented design is a technique for programming that focuses on the data (objects) and on the interfaces to that object. To make an analogy with carpentry, an object oriented carpenter would be mostly concerned with the chair he was building, and secondarily with the tools used to make it. A non-object-oriented carpenter would think primarily of his tools. The object-oriented facilities of Java are essentially those of C++.


Java is intended for writing programs that must be reliable in a variety of ways. Java puts a lot of emphasis on early checking for possible problems, later dynamic (run-time) checking, and eliminating situations that are error-prone. The single biggest difference between Java and C/C++ is that Java has a pointer model that eliminates the possibility of overwriting memory and corrupting data.

Java gives you the best. You do not need pointers for everyday constructs like strings and arrays. You have the power of pointers if you need it, for example, for linked lists. And you always have complete safety, because you can never access a bad pointer, make memory allocation errors, or have to protect against memory leaking away.


Java is intended to be used in networked/distributed environments. Toward that end, a lot of emphasis has been placed on security. Java enables the construction of virus-free, tamper-free systems.

Architecture Neutral

The compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format-the compiled code is executable on many processors, given the presence of the Java runtime system. The Java compiler does this by generating bytecode instructions which have nothing to do with a particular computer architecture. Rather, they are designed to be both easy to interpret on any machine and easily translated into native machine code on the fly.


Unlike C and C++, there are no implementation-dependent aspects of the specification. The sizes of the primitive data types are specified, as is the behavior of arithmetic on them.

For example, an int in Java is always a 32-bit integer. In C/C++, int can mean a 16-bit integer, a 32-bit integer, or any other size that the compiler vendor likes. The only restriction is that the int type must have at least as many bytes as a short int and cannot have more bytes than a long int.

Having a fixed size for number types eliminates a major porting headache. Binary data is stored and transmitted in a fixed format, eliminating confusion about byte ordering. Strings are saved in a standard Unicode format.

The libraries that are a part of the system define portable interfaces. For example, there is an abstract Window class and implementations of it for UNIX, Windows, and the Macintosh.


The Java interpreter can execute Java bytecodes directly on any machine to which the interpreter has been ported. Since linking is a more incremental and lightweight process, the development process can be much more rapid and exploratory.

High Performance

While the performance of interpreted bytecodes is usually more than adequate, there are situations where higher performance is required. The bytecodes can be translated on the fly (at run time) into machine code for the particular CPU the application is running on.


The benefits of multithreading are better interactive responsiveness and real-time behavior. If you have ever tried to do multithreading in another language, you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is in Java. Threads in Java also can take advantage of multiprocessor systems if the base operating system does so. On the downside, thread implementations on the major platforms differ widely, and Java makes no effort to be platform independent in this regard. Only the code for calling multithreading remains the same across machines; Java offloads the implementation of multithreading to the underlying operating system or a thread library.Nonetheless, the ease of multithreading is one of the main reasons why Java is such an appealing language for server-side development.


In a number of ways, Java is a more dynamic language than C or C++. It was designed to adapt to an evolving environment. Libraries can freely add new methods and instance variables without any effect on their clients. In Java, finding out run time type information is straightforward.